November 8, 2009

Red Hot

Hmm.. What's hot for November? The Earth!

Yap.. This old Earth is getting hotter more than ever. Still dare to say that global warming is not real?

Panasnya minta ampun, bikin cepet cape dan lemes karena dehidrasi. Musti bawa air minum ke mana-mana nih.

The other heat in this month is: The Red Retro Purse for free!!!!


Buat consultant lama:
Kalo belanja 75 BP selama 2-23 Nov '09 bisa dapet purse super sexy senilai Rp 249.000,- ini gratis.

Buat member baru:
Join now, make 75 BP purchase during 2 - 23 Nov '09, and get this adorable purse for free.. PLUS : satu produk pilihan Anda sendiri senilai Rp 70.000,- for free!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanna learn more about the business? Chat with me in YM/FB:
in Google Talk:
or just visit my website:

You can send me emails too.. use those addresses above or this one:

Have a red hot week everyone!
Oh, and don't forget to always bring your drink bottle everywhere..

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